Day 16
Topic: Finalists in the Genesis Contest
Psalm 135:5-6–For I know that the Lord is great and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatever the Lord pleases, He does, in heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deeps.
Our Heavenly Father,
How great You are! You are Lord over every living thing. There is nothing above You for You are above all things, and yet You have chosen to give the gift of your Son so that we might have a relationship and eternity with You. We are humbled by the depth of Your love for us.
We give You praise and thanksgiving for these finalists in the Genesis Contest. They have worked hard and striven for excellence and we know You honor their endeavors.
We pray Your blessing on each of them, that you would continue to guide them, their thoughts and their visions. Keep them focused on You as they work and labor…give them favor, Lord, and please continue to give them the words.
In Jesus’s precious and peerless name we ask this.