Day 24–For all attending to have a servant’s heart toward those around them
John 3:34-35 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
Dearest Heavenly Father,
Conference is daunting as well as inspiring. We may feel out of our elements, but we are not outside of the safety of Your love. Remind us never to dominate conversation or promote ourselves at the expense of others. Let us maintain a helpful and encouraging spirit. As You have extended grace us, let us be gracious and forgiving of slights or failures.
Help us treat the newbie and the overly aggressive with the same consideration and kindness as the publisher, agent or well-established author. Keep us from indulging in comparisons, for You have a special task and plan for every one of Your children. Give us eyes to see others as You do. Expand our hearts to love others as You do. In this way believers will be edified and non-believers will be attracted to You.
Let Your love in us flow out to touch others today.
In the name of Jesus.