10 Myths about Marketing Your Book

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By DiAnn Mills

What’s stopping you from marketing your book? Indecision about the tools? Fear of failure or success? How to approach social media? Heard so many cons that you’re afraid?

Now is the time to debunk the following 10 myths so you can be a marketing rock star.

Myth #1: All I have to do is one thing: write a good book.

A writer’s number 1 job is to write an excellent book. But without marketing and promotion, how will readers know about your exciting project?

Myth #2: Marketing takes way too much money. Only big names can afford it.

Every writer can learn basic marketing, promotion, and the value of social media. No matter the marketing budget, reaching others can be accomplished and is vital to the success of your book.

Myth #3: A traditionally published writer doesn’t need to worry about marketing. The publishing house will spend lots of money launching it.

Publishing houses adjust their budgets for marketing and promotion according to projected sales. A savvy writer teams up with the marketing team to learn how to compliment what’s being done. Personalization allows the writer to make an impact on potential readers.

Myth #4: The only way a writer will succeed in marketing is to hire a book publicist.

Writers research the needs of their readers to find out how to reach them effectively. A writer has the ability to influence their readers by discovering who they are.

Myth #5: If a writer is going to get involved in social media, then register for every available platform.

A writer is selective in choosing social media platforms according to her brand, genre, expertise, and audience needs. The goal is to be active, reaching out in a community of followers to fill a need.

Myth #6: No one can help an author build a platform or develop a brand. It just happens as the writer publishes books.

A wise writer focuses her passion to a specific audience. Her expertise and type of writing builds her platform so she can be branded by who she is and what she writes. If a writer doesn’t build her brand, the publishing industry will do it—and it may not be flattering.

Myth #7: Marketing through social media means you have to constantly promote yourself so people will remember you.

The goal of social media is to help others; it’s not about us. For every five posts, only one should be about the writer. Develop trust among your followers.

Myth #8: There’s no point in marketing your book until it’s released. After all, people can’t buy it until then.

Marketing and promotion begin with the writer’s idea for a project. Developing content for social media posts, blogs, speaking topics, catch-phrases, Pinterest boards, Instagram, memes, contests, etc. begin at conception of the book premise.

Myth #9: If a writer receives an advance, she spends a percentage on marketing and promotion. If she doesn’t receive an advance, then it’s not expected.

Every writer should budget a designated amount for marketing and promotion. The publisher expects a writer to be involved in the process of letting the world know about the book, regardless of whether an advance is involved.

Myth #10: Once a writer creates a marketing plan, the same plan works for every book.

Not every project’s content is the same. The characters, plot, setting, emotion, dialogue, narrative, and symbols vary in each book. Just as the books carry different themes and topics, so are the new and unique ways of marketing. Analyze each plan for what works best and what needs to be discarded.

What marketing myths have you proven wrong? Share your thoughts so we can all benefit.

10 Myths About Marketing Your Book By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills #ACFWBlogs https://www.acfw.com/blog/10-myths-about-marketing-your-book/ #pubtip #bookpromo Share on X

DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; the Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests. Connect with DiAnn here: www.diannmills.com





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