Five Smooth Stones

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By Darlene L. Turner

Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine. 1 Sam 17:40 (NIV)

Dawson lost his footing and fell backwards.

The towering figure sneered, crooked teeth protruding. He crossed his arms in triumph. “That’s what you get for taking my seat in the lunchroom.”

Dawson clenched his fists. Three times this week Garrett had cornered him for a stupid reason. When will it end?

A crowd had formed a circle around the two teens. Some chanted “hit him” while others stood in silence. A mixed bag of warriors.

Dawson brushed off his jeans and stood. The schoolyard hushed in silence. A cardinal chirped nearby.

The scrawny, handsome teen prayed as the onlookers waited. A Bible story came to mind and he pulled two objects out his backpack. “Here, I want you to have these.”

Garrett’s jaw dropped. He rubbed his temple and stumbled backwards like a zombie before falling to his knees.
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“Why would you want to give me these after everything I’ve done to you?”

The crowd stepped closer.

Dawson helped Garrett stand. “Because I want to be your friend.”

The giant placed an object in each hand. A Babe Ruth trading card in one and the most sought after game card in the other.

Dawson’s sling and stone brought the giant to his knees.

Have you ever wondered if your writing is effective? Are you being used of God? There are many giants standing in our way these days ready to bully us. Doubt, rejection letters, time robbers, bad reviews, etc. Do we let these tower over us by intimidating our every move?

I recently received a rejection letter, and I won’t lie, it paralyzed me for a short time. It was something I really wanted, so why hadn’t God listened? I wanted to quit. But then after a series of events, I realized He was listening and blessed me beyond measure. I just needed to pick up a stone, throw it at that bully, and steer myself in a different direction.

What truths can we learn from the story of David and Goliath?

David faced Goliath head on, without fear. Can we do the same? Remember, David had God’s army on his side. So do you and I. All we need to do is put on His armor and pray for protection against self-doubt. God has called us to write. Let’s remember that.

David didn’t back down. When Goliath sneered at the young shepherd, David held his ground. He didn’t turn and flee. When you’re faced with another rejection or a bad review, turn it around into something positive. Don’t let it get a hold of you. Give it over to God. Then, face the situation without running.

David fought back with his own resources. Who would have thought a sling and a smooth stone would take down a giant? Look around you. What tools can you use to help your fight? Writing books on the trade, social media sites, reach out to other writers and form a group to help encourage each other, etc. Of course, our biggest one is prayer.

There are lots of tools for writers these days to help us, but let’s remember the most important one. God’s army. When we’re feeling discouraged, all we need to do is reach out to Him. He called us to write. He will direct our paths.

And fight our battles with five smooth stones.

How do you stand up to your bully of defeat? What sling and stone do you use? Share with us so we can encourage each other to fight the good fight.

Darlene L  TurnerDarlene L. Turner writes romantic suspense. She won the 2016 Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense, the Golden Leaf Award, placed second in the Indiana RWA Golden Opportunity contest, and was a finalist in the 2016 ACFW Genesis contest. She currently has a continuing short story, Death Brings Life on the High Seas, running in an online publication. She lives with her husband in the Forest City of London, Ontario. Visit Darlene at where she believes there’s suspense beyond borders.

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  1. I have been told that each rejection letter brings me closer to publication. I remember this when my heart is sad. I pray that God will give me the words He wants me to share with the world.

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