by Linda Robinson
If it were possible, writing would be number one on my priority list every day—after my Bible study, prayer, and quiet time alone with God. But “stuff” happens to interrupt schedules and plans. And as we all know, some events are much bigger and more stressful than others.
In this age of specialized medicine, we must visit four or five doctors in addition to our primary care one-just for our annual physicals. Multiply that by two if we have a spouse. That’s speaking for relatively healthy people, so when something goes wrong…well, you get the picture.
I’m not a paper and pencil writer. I love a computer, but it’s too much trouble to take my laptop to most doctor appointments where we’re called in for prelims of weight and vital signs, sent back to the lobby to sit again, then taken to a room to wait some more. Besides, I like to write in a quiet zone, often with only soft low instrumental music.
While waiting, I try to read, but mostly I sit impatiently, wishing I were home writing. I have to pray for patience, especially when the doctor has an emergency and is an hour or more behind schedule. Yes, I know…never pray for patience.
A few months ago, I was offered a chance to guest blog for another website. I committed, but as the due date loomed, my husband became seriously ill. We spent many hours in doctors’ offices and two days in the hospital. I doubted my ability to keep writing, thinking it might not be God’s plan for me.
I prayed nonstop during the ordeal and drew on God’s strength. But how could I pen a faith-based blog about writing accomplishments, or failures, while under such stress?
Easy. I wrote the blog about that experience, my faith, and the faithfulness of God. I believe God uses all of our trials for good, if we’ll just look for the blessings instead of dwelling on the bad parts.
Even while waiting on my husband’s recent appointment for yet another heart catheterization (an attempt to stint a challenging, congenitally anomalous artery) I trudged on to keep my mind occupied. I stuck with my plans to begin compiling a book of fictional and non-fictional short stories, shooting for publication in 2016.
As writers, God has given each of us a talent. How can we not use it for His glory? Mother Teresa said, “We are all pencils in the hand of God.” That alone is encouragement to write stories that reflect God’s love and our faith.
In this special, sometimes hectic, Christmas season and throughout the coming year, may we all remember to be thankful for our talents, blessings, and especially for the birth of a baby Jesus, who changed the world for each of us. And I’m thankful my husband’s heart procedure was miraculously successful, considering the atypical artery was the reason for his open-heart bypass surgery in 2010. God is good.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and happy writing to all.
Would some of you like to comment about a personal struggle to keep writing during stressful times or trials?
Linda Robinson, author of five published novels, is a member of her local Writers’ Forum, ACFW, and Scribes. She guest blogs and writes fictional and non-fictional short stories for magazines and contests. Natalie’s Consequences, the third novel of her Faith and Family series, released in September 2015. You can find Linda on her Website, Facebook, and Twitter.
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Totally understand how life gets in the way of writing!
This September I began a book due January 18th, late but doable. Then my nephew was airlifted to a hospital 90 minutes away. That month was spent going back and forth to the hospital. Then another emergency popped up with him and more time going back and forth.
I find it impossible to write while in stress, so here it is almost January and I’m not done with the first draft… but I will be tomorrow.
God knew about the deadline as well as my nephew’s problems, and He has given me the words at record speed. I give Him the glory…
Patricia, thank you for sharing your experience. Isn’t it amazing how we can see God’s hand in everything, even if it’s in retrospect. His timing is always perfect, though we often don’t understand until later.