Trusting God When an Unexpected Crisis Interrupts Your Life

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Distraction, Encouragement, Faith, writing 3 Comments

by Donna Wichelman @DonnaWichelman

Have you ever faced an unforeseen event and had to find the courage to trust God even in those difficult circumstances? Most of us have probably endured such a time. Sometimes, it comes out of the blue just when everything seems to go your way, and you’re riding high on the happiness train. We writers are not immune even when the deadline for our manuscripts is looming. On January 5, 2024, I had a reverse shoulder replacement surgery. All was going exceptionally well in my post-surgery period until I had complications due to a stress fracture.

Photo 61035161 © Puwadol Jaturawutthichai |

My rehabilitation came to a screeching halt at the end of February, and I had to use an immobilizer [sling] to keep the shoulder still. All my plans for spring and summer seemed in question, including the final edits on my historical romance manuscript due in April.

But this is not a story with an unhappy ending. The day I learned about the fracture and dismay filled my heart, I found a podcast, featuring the woman I’m hiring as my publicist. Her words of encouragement were like a sweet salve to my soul.

I knew, without a doubt, that God had divinely arranged for me to hear Jeane’s podcast. I had
two choices: become bitter or allow God to use my circumstances for His good. I have since
prayed the words of Romans 15:13 daily. May the God of hope fill you (me) with all joy and
peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you (I) may abound in hope (ESV).

Soon, I discovered an ironic similarity to the Irish protagonist in my novel. On the day Anna
Sullivan arrives in Colorado full of hopes and dreams for her future, Uncle Liam—her sole
support—dies in a mining disaster. Now, she is alone in a new land with strangers for her
company and no way to earn her living. Anna has two choices: become bitter over her
predicament or find the courage to trust God for her future.

Two of Jeane’s questions from the podcast stood out to me. “Would I go through all of it to get to where I am now, and am I willing to walk with Jesus on this journey? The answers aren’t easy, especially when you’re scared and hurting. But Jesus asks us to trust Him even when the
path forward is murky.

Some days my faith is weak, and I’ve had to pray, “Lord, I’m not doing so well today. Please lift me out of my self-pity.” I love the other verse Jeane quoted. God says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness …” (2 Corinthians 12:9, ESV).

Over the weeks, God has demonstrated His faithfulness. Empathizing with Anna has allowed me to accomplish my rewrites with greater spiritual clarity. Since my fracture halted all physical therapy, I’ve had more time to dedicate to completing my work—a side benefit of a not-so-great event in my life. Moreover, God has used my situation to encourage others with hope when trials have threatened to consume them.

We can trust God’s faithfulness even in difficult times when the path forward is murky. @DonnaWichelman #ACFW #writing #ChristianFiction #faith Share on X

How can I not be grateful for God’s work in my life? The Lord has promised that “He who
began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philipians 1:6,

When it was time to write the dedication for my book, I struggled to find the exact words. Then,
God gave me the words overnight. They couldn’t have been more appropriate.

To anyone who has faced unexpected tragedy and found the courage to trust God even in the most profoundly difficult circumstances:

May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of
the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope.


Donna Wichelman’s articles have appeared in inspirational publications, and she has two indie-published Christian contemporary suspense novels. Her Gilded Age historical romance will be published in December by Scrivenings Press. Donna and her husband of forty years participate in ministry at their local church. Their greatest delight is spending time with their grandchildren.


Comments 3

  1. Great post. And I’ve been there too. Walking with God isn’t always easy, but he is always with us. Thank you for sharing!

    Side note: Since you’re in Colorado, did you know there’s an ACFW chapter in Colorado Springs? We offer Zoom options for meetings if the distance is too far. We’d love to have you visit!

  2. Thank you. This is also the kind of message I’m trying to convey in my “Love Shines Through” series, that even when disaster strikes, when we hope and trust in God, He brings goodness and love out of the situation.

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