By Katherine Reay
A reader recently reached out to ask how she could know if she was ready to pursue publication. Did I have any advice?
Wow! Tough question.
Here’s what my advice boiled down to…
1. Give your work to beta readers – They can be family or friends, but they need to be honest. My first reader is always my sister and I demand that she be “brutally ruthless.” Colleagues from work who read, friends from a Bible study, teachers, and professors can be great readers too… There are lots of choices out there. But that’s a first touch-point for readiness – the ability and desire to put your manuscript out there.
2. Then look at your manuscript and determine if it’s the most polished you can make it. There is a point, I believe, when you look at a manuscript and you think, “Without an outside force, there is no more change I can affect.” At that point, I’d bet you’re ready.
3. Get to a conference. Conferences can be expensive, but they are invaluable. They allow you to put your work in front of agents and publishers in a personal format that’s almost impossible otherwise. And this is where you want to be – in front of the professionals, listening to their opinions and their insights. If you’re ready for publication and they want your story – off you go! If not, take what you learn and dig in again. That’s part of the process too. And conferences have the added benefit of putting you with a whole bunch of other writers – you gain insights into craft and process, you have fun and you very quickly learn you aren’t alone.
Within days of that email, another reader Tweeted a request for advice and encouragement, as her first rejection letter had just arrived.
My reply was simple: I’m sorry. They happen, lots… Keep at it and someday…
I think the bottom line is this – If you’re reading this blog and you’re writing, then God’s put it on your heart. Listen to him and you’ll know when it’s time to take that next step. And when you do, do it with courage and with joy! And Congratulations!
And if you’re in Dallas this coming weekend at the ACFW Conference, be sure to say “Hi.”
Katherine Reay is the author of Dear Mr. Knightley, a Christy Award Finalist and winner of the 2014 INSPY Award for Best Debut as well as Carol Awards for both Best Debut and Best Contemporary. She’s also the writer behind Lizzy & Jane and upcoming novel, The Bronte Plot. Wife, mother, runner, former marketer, and avid chocolate consumer, Katherine and her family recently settled in Chicago, IL.