Dream Big, Dear Writer

ACFWACFW, Advice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Friends of ACFW, writing 3 Comments

by Susan Lyttek @SusanLyttek Lately, I’ve been doing a series on my personal blog about Dreams and Memories and how God works in each of them to grow and develop us. When we dream and remember the way God would call us to, we become not only better Christians, but better writers. Having taught many generations of beginning writers, I’ve …

When Dreams Age

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, writing 12 Comments

By Tanara McCauley @TanaraMcCauley I attended my first writer’s conference over a decade ago. I don’t know how I learned writer’s conferences were even a thing, but I remember packing up my work-in-progress and flying to Denver with a mini entourage of husband, young kids, and in-laws all cheering me on. Although already in my mid-thirties at the time, I …