Travel and Fiction—An Awesome Duo

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Description, Encouragement, Setting 4 Comments

by Marguerite Martin Gray Are you an avid traveler? I’m an avid traveler and reader. These activities easily go hand in hand in my life. If anyone says “Let’s go!” I’m there with my bags packed and full of enthusiasm. It really doesn’t matter the destination—local, state, national, or international. I’ll lead or follow as long as I’m going. Traveling …

A World of Inspiration

ACFWAdvice, Brainstorming, research, tips, writing 8 Comments

by Deborah Raney Last Wednesday I returned from the dream trip of a lifetime, one I wasn’t sure would actually happen before I died. It was our first time to travel overseas and we spent three glorious days in Paris, then wound our way through the United Kingdom—England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland—over the next ten days before returning to London to …