by Jane Kirkpatrick Today my writing project is a second book in an historical series. The first book, Across the Crying Sands, Revell, comes out in May. When I turn this second manuscript in, it’ll be my 42nd book. You’d think I’d know how to plant seeds of words that would lead to a harvest but I still struggle with …
Living the Story of America Rising
by Christine Sunderland @Chrisunderland As Christian storytellers, are we affecting our culture for good? Are we using the talents that God has given us? Are we making a difference? We live in an increasingly polarized culture, both national and international. As we watch civilization collapse around us, what part can we play and what responsibility do we own, for the …
Let Freedom Ring, Now and Forevermore!
by Ifueko Ogbomo @inspirologos No one enjoys captivity of any kind, but it stings ever so much more when the captive is innocent of the crime for which he is incarcerated. This was the case of Joseph—a servant thrown into the dungeons after his mistress falsely accused him of rape. More than a decade later, his divinely bestowed ability to …