Once Upon A Time…

Then, she heard about a very tiny on-line e-mail list of writers. At first she wasn’t sure about writing to strangers regularly, but figured it was better than no contact with writers at all. Through them, she heard of other writers. One of them was author Lynn Coleman, who hosted on-line chats. This opened up another avenue of learning.
Late in 1999, Lynn told some of the writers during one particular chat about a new group that she and a small group of other authors were forming, called American Christian Romance Writers. It was for those serious about pursuing the craft of fiction writing.
So this age 30ish writer said she would sign up, for sure! By that time, she’d written a second novel after the first one had been rejected (too similar to what was out there, she was told). But it was a positive rejection from one of the ACRW founding authors.
But it wasn’t until 2005 that she received her first fiction contract. The rest of the story continues to be written.
Of course, yes, this was me. Until ACRW, now ACFW, my only contact with other writers was strictly on-line. The American Christian Fiction Writers conference has changed and morphed over the years to become THE premier fiction conference annually. For me, an old-timer, I get wistful for the old days. But what opportunities we have now! Amazing. So for that reason, I wouldn’t go back to the old days.
NOTHING replaces the face-to-face contact with other writers. I can still remember walking into a Houston restaurant late in 2000 and seeing a table full of writers I’d only know from e-mails. I knew I had friends already. Since then, the only conference I’ve missed was 2006.
Lately I’ve been posting Money-Saving Monday tips. But today, I’m talking about investing.
I realize money is tighter for some. Gas costs more, food costs more, and unless you’ve gotten an awesome raise you’ve had to do some budget shifting.
I won’t tell you to spend money you don’t have or to go into debt to attend the conference. That would be irresponsible of me. But I can tell you this: every career requires investment. If you haven’t saved money up for the conference yet, maybe it’s too late for you to decide to go this year. And that’s okay. I’ll get to that later (see below). Back to investments.
Going to the ACFW conference showed me that I was serious about making writing a career. It’s part-time, but most writers aren’t the primary breadwinner in their family. I have a full-time job and consider myself doubly employed.
Going to the ACFW conference showed me I wanted to be a professional. Yes, I’ve had tearful moments, and times that I wish I could take back, but in spite of myself, I’m showing up with my game face on to learn and grow.
Going to the ACFW conference gives me the face-to-face time I need. I’ve met lifetime friends who are an IM or an e-mail away. While I do get nervous in certain social situations (I so wish I didn’t!), I’d like to think I’m getting better and being less self-conscious.
Going to the ACFW conference gives me a glimpse of Heaven. We wear no denominational labels, and we sing the same song for our Creator in His Presence. You can’t beat that!