Notes from a Newbie

ACFWAuthors and writing, creativity, Encouragement, Faith, writing 16 Comments

By Linda Dindzans @lindadindzans

One recent early morning, I was fretting over fine points in the first rework of edits for my debut novel. Each word was critical. Should I change this may to might? Finally satisfied, I hit send. A Certain Man—a novel set in ancient Samaria at the time of Jesus—was on its way back to the editor.

By nature, more Martha than Mary, I sighed and allowed myself one deep breath before turning to the next agenda item for the day—warming up my singing voice for the high soprano notes, then practicing some tricky spots in the composition Lux Aeterna by Morten Lauridsen. I would sing with Bel Canto Chorus of Milwaukee in a couple of hours. And it would be my swansong. After ten years of making music, friendships, and memories, I wanted each note to ring richly—not just for myself but because Richard Hynson our conductor and his wife, Michelle, accompanist and arranger, were retiring after thirty-five years.

Art, whether written or in some other form, is not performance—It is prayer. @lindadindzans #writing #ChristianFiction #ACFW #ArtisPrayer Click To Tweet

My watch alarm sounded so I downloaded the spots I still wanted to work to play in the car and hurried upstairs to dress. My mind skittered back to my manuscript second guessing some of my word choices. As I drove to the concert, my heart and mind were a turbulent sea.

Be Still and Know that I am God.

Lord, You know that stillness is not my strong suit. Help me find quiet and peace. I need You to still the storm.

Some time later I took my place on the risers. The conductor’s baton lifted. And fell. The orchestra began the low, slow, mysterious music. The choir joined in…Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine et lux perpetua luceat eis…Rest eternal grant to them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. The meaning of the words began to take root in my soul. Te decet hymnus Deus in Zion. A hymn befits thee O God in Zion.

The music swelled and surrounded me. Lord, let this performance glorify You and bless those who listen. A still small voice seemed to speak to my heart. Linda, sing this music not as a performance but as a prayer, both to Me and for those who listen.

By the final chord, I was at peace and knew the Lord was calling me to the same Truth with my writing. To experience His Rest, I must approach my writing as a prayer and not a performance. A prayer written for and to Him and for and to my readers.

Linda Dindzans, M.D. is a writer with the heart of a healer who offers readers stories of redemption and restoration. Though her compelling characters inhabit the treacherous times of the Bible, Linda believes there is nothing new under the sun. The struggles of her characters still speak to hearts today.

Comments 16

  1. That was a great note! I can relate. In my Christian Suspense series, I often find I need to pause and let Him bring the words, particularly when dealing with my characters’ matters of faith. I pray you will have a great experience crafting your stories.

  2. Excellent reminders of the central role of faith in our writing. Also appreciate the thoughts of a fellow Martha.

  3. What a beautiful and elegiaic description of our performance together! To live as if everything is a miracle and all we do a prayer, resonates so deeply with me. Those two ideals go directly to the heart of a life well-lived. Thank you for sharing this, Linda!


    1. Every note we sing is a miracle… just look at the vocal cords! And we are wired for story,song and relationship. That for me is one of the best evidences for a Loving God

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