Invest in Others… Deep in the Trenches

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by Kimberley Woodhouse

An author’s life can be very lonely.

And the longer you’re at this business, it could easily get lonelier when there are deadlines stacked on top of deadlines in addition to regular family/church life.

That’s why it’s so important to invest in other writers. ACFW is a beautiful picture of that. That’s why we’re here, right?

More than fifteen years ago, we were facing another new and rare diagnosis for our daughter. I had finally joined ACFW since we were off the mission field, and I found a huge group of prayer warriors and support. And these people understood my crazy-writer brain. (Bonus!)

Then our daughter had brain surgery.

Then our family was nominated for Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.

Guess who walked the road with us through all the ups, downs, and crazy times? Yep. My ACFW peeps. The national organization as well as local chapters and zone.

I could list hundreds of names of people who invested in me… poured into me… mentored me… prayed for me. People from this amazing group of writers that made a huge difference in my life.

To give you an example: there was one lady who walked beside me on a road that wasn’t easy. Our families got to know one another and spent time together. We sacrificed time and energy for each other. We went through the muck and mire together. And I have to be honest… I don’t know if my twenty-fifth book would be releasing June 1 if I didn’t have her on this journey all these years.

That’s what it’s like to live deep in the trenches with someone. To share the load. To encourage.

I encourage all of you to take time to invest in others here. Pour into other people. Get involved on the loop and crit groups and discussions. You never know who you will bless and how God will refill your bucket in return.

I met the incomparable Ronie Kendig through ACFW and I’ll never forget the first time we had the chance to meet face to face at conference.

Pure joy.

So make the decision today to intentionally invest. You won’t regret it.

Leave me a comment about someone who has blessed you on this journey.

Enjoy the journey,


Invest in Others… Deep in the Trenches. Friendships that last a lifetime through ACFW. @kimwoodhouse #ACFWBlogs #writetip #critiques #ACFWCommunity Share on X

Carol Award-winning Kimberley Woodhouse is a CBA and ECPA best-selling author of more than twenty-five books which have earned her many awards and accolades including Christian Retailing’s Top Pick and Publisher’s Weekly starred reviews. A lover of history and research, she often gets sucked into the past and then her husband has to lure her out with chocolate. She lives and writes in the Poconos with her husband of three decades and is anxiously awaiting her first grandchild. Connect with Kimberley:


A photo of Kim with her friend Ronie.

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