By Janetta Fudge Messmer
All writers have ideas floating around in their heads. And like everyone else, I write them down because I don’t want to forget them. Never know, I might want to use them for a book at a later date.
In my case, our dog gave me the grand idea for a novel. She “told” my hubby and me to, “quit our jobs, sell everything, buy an RV, and hit the road.” We listened to Maggie and in August 2013, we took off in our new 5th Wheel.
While on the road, I also got busy writing Early Birds. Not so surprising, it’s about two couples who travel in their RVs and help humanity in rather hysterical ways. Subsequent books followed in the series.
Oh, how I digress. Please stay with me. I will make my point soon. 🙂
I love how the Lord took us joking about our dog “telling” us to do this preposterous plan. Then He led me to write the fictional story. This proves ideas can and will pop up from the most unlikely scenarios.
Another interesting idea for a book started on New Year’s Day a few years ago. My hubby suggested I write 365 words on January 1. January 2 – 364 words and so on through the year. On December 31 – I’d write 1 word.
Even though I was writing Early Birds, I accepted the challenge. One day in October, I hit a wall with my extra-writing assignment. Again my husband came to my rescue. “Janetta, write down as many books ideas as you can come up with.”
I did, and years later I went back to that particular day’s writing and found the idea for Pigtails and a Tool Belt. A simple sentence, nothing-earth shattering, about a young woman taking over her father’s handyman business. This premise became the perfect idea for my next book.
My point is: Ideas come from everyday life and the people and places we encounter in this thing we called life.
Another aspect of writing that is equally important is brainstorming. Once again my hubby plays a part in the process. As I said above, we live in an RV full-time. While Ray is driving to our next destination, some days I’m picking his brain on the way.
My need for brainstorming may be about a new idea I have for a book. Or we discuss ways to help my characters get out of the corner I’ve painted them into. In no time, he’s helped me work through the issue and I’m ready to write, write, write.
I am thankful I have a sounding board. My suggestion is for you to find someone to brainstorm with too. They will help you in ways you never thought possible. And another plus – it’ll get you out from behind your computer to interact with another human being.
Let’s get busy and write what the Lord has put on our hearts?
PS: Oh, and if you get an idea in the middle of the night, be sure to put on your glasses and turn on a light before you write anything down. I didn’t and couldn’t read my writing the next morning. Lesson learned. I’m sure it would have been a Best Seller!!!
Ideas are Everywhere @nettiefudge #ACFWBlogs #writetip #ACFWCommunity Share on XJanetta Fudge Messmer’s tagline is Turning Life into Comedy. This is why she writes Christian Comedy Romance. She’s also a speaker and editor. Janetta, her hubby (Ray), and pooch (Maggie) are full-time RVers, so most days you’ll find them out sightseeing…but first Janetta has to sit down and write. Visit Janetta on her website, Facebook, or Twitter.
Comments 3
Janetta, you’re living my dream.
Yes, yes. Ideas are found everywhere. In every moment, there is opportunity to create a story. 🙂 Happy writing!
Great Post! All we need do is look around us!