Please join us in today’s prayer, written by a member of ACFW’s Forty Days of Prayer team.
For the technology to work
I Corinthians 14:33a–For God is not a God of confusion.
Father, thank You again for the opportunity to come together to worship, learn, and fellowship. We thank You that You are not a God of confusion. Instead, You cause all things to come together in Your time and by Your plan.
We ask that You would govern all the ins and outs of the technology. A conference of this size has a complex backbone making all the technology work. We ask that you would bless Billy Wyatt and his team. Give them the ability to anticipate problems before they occur. And we ask that You would give them an abundance of wisdom and favor as they work with the hotel staff. Father, we ask for a smooth conference. We ask that You would oversee all the aspects including the PowerPoint presentations in the bookstore and at the awards banquet. You are Lord of all, and we are so grateful to be able to serve You with our words and our lives.