Find Your People

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By Suzie Waltner

“Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you has a part in it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27

We were built for relationships. For community. It’s the structure of the church in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. Jesus surrounded Himself with twelve men during His earthly ministry. Paul and the other apostles established communities of churches to gather and relate to each other in their Christian walks.

And yet, as writers, we sometimes try and go it alone instead of forming our own writing communities. Why? Is it that we can’t find anyone to connect with? Fear of rejection or criticism? Imposter syndrome?

When I first started writing, I did this. I wrote alone, not telling anyone what I was doing. And then I found ACFW. This community of writers had so much to offer. Teaching from those who have knowledge and experience far beyond me. Critique groups to make my writing better and stronger. Encouragement when I’m questioning my calling to write.

While the online group is wonderful—and a blessing to those who can’t make personal connections with other authors due to location, health, or other reasons—it’s the smaller, face-to-face community that has blessed me most. My local writing group meets once a month. We may be a small group, but we pray for each other. Rejoice with each other when one of us has good news. Lift each other up when we face rejection or challenges in our writing and personal lives.

Then there are my critique partners. Two woman who, over the past two years, have become dear friends. We don’t live near each other, but we make time to connect via Zoom. We pray for each other. Again, we encourage and lift each other up in our highs and lows.

We need people who can pour into us so we can pour into others. People to learn from and people to teach. People with different strengths than we have so we become more well-rounded. People who can come alongside us when we are struggling. People who offer a hand to help us up when we fall.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

If you’re not sure where to start in building your community, start with ACFW. There are a lot of resources for members—the website lists the local ACFW chapters, the critique groups offer new writers a way to find and connect with others, and the conference is a wonderful way to meet new friends while learning more about the writing process.

If there isn’t an ACFW chapter near you, head over to Google to see if there is a writing group near you. Or find out if any chapters are meeting virtually. If you can’t attend the ACFW conference in person due to distance, finances, or other reasons, seek one out near you or, again, find a virtual one—even better if you can find one that offers some breakout groups so you can “meet” others.

Once you have established your community of writers, don’t forget to connect with readers—through Storyfest or other reader events (even if you don’t go as an author, you can go as a reader and connect that way), the Avid Readers of Christian Fiction Facebook group or your newsletter, launch team, and social media. Readers are voracious and want to connect with their favorite authors on a more personal level.

“Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” I Thessalonians 5:11

Have you found your writing tribe or are you still going the writing life alone? Community and relationships are important in the author life. Discover why you need to find your writing people and suggestions of where to look for them.… Share on X

Suzie Waltner is a lover of fiction and is first and foremost a reader. Suzie resides in a suburb of Nashville, TN. Midnight Blue, her first contemporary romance with Anaiah Press, releases September 6, 2022. She is a member of ACFW and the president of the Middle TN ACFW chapter.

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