Enjoy the Journey – Even the Detours

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW, Time Management, tips 1 Comment

by Tracy Popolizio

Last year I was given a great, hidden treasure. A book! I say hidden because I didn’t realize the impact it would have on me until months later, when, shuffling through my stack looking to see what might interest me, it caught my eye. I pulled it out and thought I should probably read it because it was, after all, a gift, and I appreciated the gesture. After dusting it off I read the title again. Wonderlust: A Spiritual Travelogue for the Adventurous Soul.

About halfway through the book, my mind was on overload trying to process everything I had just learned at two writer’s conferences I recently attended. Phrases such as, “you need to build your platform” and the importance of “laser-like focus.” Oi. What to do first? Where do I point my imaginary laser while millions of voices scream at me from all sides, each one demanding my “focus” in order to be successful?

As I read the chapter titled, Journey Toward Purpose, I relaxed a bit because, after all, I already knew my purpose. God had called me to write, speak and teach. I just needed guidance about where to start. Boy was I in for an awakening that night.

As I finished the chapter and began to pray, God spoke something so completely opposite of what I thought that I didn’t doubt for one second it was His voice. He said, “Tracy, your purpose right now is not to scramble about trying to build your platform. It’s not which freelance job you can land first, and it’s not even trying to finish your next book so you can submit it to your top agent of choice.” Needless to say, I was a bit taken aback. I pulled out the boxing gloves of my flesh, ready to fight. “No, Tracy, I need you to do something else right now. Something more important. Your purpose is to pray for your husband and your children.” What?! God was essentially telling me to stop striving for my own personal gain, and instead focus my strength and energy on interceding for my family regarding some difficulties we’d be facing in the coming months.

This was very difficult for me because, possibly like many of you, I have my own plan of what God’s calling for my life should look like—and my own timing. Yet in all of this, He is showing me once more (because let’s face it, I have yet to learn this lesson), how to be content in all circumstances. I truly believe God called me into writing and speaking. But He also called me to be a wife and mother. As a result, I know He will take care of all else while I focus my laser-like vision on His purpose for me today. Maybe tomorrow will be the day when I land my first freelance job, (which, by the way, two weeks after finishing the draft of this post, I received an email with my first freelance offer). Maybe next month God will reveal to me the next step in building my platform. But I’ve learned that it’s ok. As I practice being content where I am in my writing journey, I can begin to let go and enjoy the course God has set for me because it will be a million times better than any that I could do on my own!

How about you? Are you enjoying the journey God has mapped out for you, even if a detour pops up along the way?

God may bring me on several unexpected detours along my writing journey, but if I remain faithful to Him, He will remain faithful to fulfill His purpose in me! by Tracy Popolizio #ACFWBlogs #amwriting Share on X

Tracy Popolizio writes middle-grade fiction hoping to enrapture preteens in a discovery of God’s truths within her books. She speaks at schools, retreats and events about writing or teaching how our thought processes lead to victorious lives in Christ. Tracy lives in Connecticut with her family. Meet Tracy at www.tracypopolizio.com



Comments 1

  1. Very interesting word the Lord spoke into your heart for He spoke a very similar word to me. He showed me that I am to focus on Him, my family and the people in my sphere of influence. While I have written five books, none have been very successful as the world views success. I have always wanted to be a writer and in 2017 I really spent a lot of time on blogging, creating my web-site and a Christian Newsletter. Last year, I felt strongly to pull away from all of that and so I did. The Lord emphasized relationships as being the most important purpose of my life. This year, though the Word He has challenged me to acquire more godly character and the fruits of the Spirit. I’m not sure where my writing is going to end up, though I am writing another novel. I’m just trusting Him and letting Him unfold His plans rather than my own.

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