Creating in the Quiet with God

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Faith, Friends of ACFW, tips, writing 2 Comments

By Tara Johnson

“Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.” ~ Bhagavati

We are living in wild times and these past few weeks have yanked busy schedules to a grinding halt. I’ve often heard people say how much they long for the quiet life, whether it be the lifestyle of the Amish, or the world of days gone by, like those of Laura Ingalls Wilder or Mayberry.

I wonder how many still hold that same sentiment after tasting a bite of it now.

A thought struck me as I meditated on Exodus 20 this past week. “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” My mind jogged back to the words of Jesus in Mark 2:27. “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.”

How many of us, myself included, have ignored the day of rest God commanded us to take each week? Oh, I might be at church. I might be singing in the choir, teaching a class, leading the congregation in worship, but I’m still busy. Working. Striving. Pulled in a hundred different directions. That isn’t rest. It’s busyness masquerading as spirituality.

Sometimes I’m busy learning about God but I’m not connecting to God. I’m doing things for God, but I’m not spending time with Him. And then I wonder why my ideas feel flat and my creativity has dried up like dust. It’s difficult to create when I’m not connected to the Creator of the universe.

Most of us now have ample time for quiet. The idol of busyness has suddenly been stripped away.

Sabbath comes from the verb sabat and means to stop, cease or keep. If God found it necessary to rest after creating the universe, how much more needful is it for you and me?

Though the circumstances surrounding Covid-19 are troubling and scary, we have also been given a rare gift. An opportunity to connect with our Redeemer in an unfettered way. Free from hectic schedules. Free from the pull of the gods of entertainment and distraction. We have an opportunity to rest. To find new ways to love. To create.

Creativity and rest go hand in hand. Things like sleep, play, walking, and exploring nature are springboards for the creative processes to flourish. Why? When we delve into nature, we are reveling in God’s creativity. When we play, we are experiencing the touch of God’s expression as He yearns to connect with us. Everything around us echoes His glory, the invitation to dance with Him. To learn more about Him. To know Him.

It’s not just about creativity itself…it’s about knowing the One Who birthed it into being.

So, yes, plans have been interrupted. Things have changed in the blink of an eye, but I’m choosing to see this time as an invitation to rest. To create with the Father. I once heard play, or spiritual rest, described as “wasting time with God”. I like that. The focus isn’t on being productive from a worldly standpoint, but sharpens on Who I’m spending time with.

And how could I not be more creative spending time with the Author of creativity? His life, color, hues, thoughts, and imagination splash over onto everything He touches.

I love that Elijah didn’t find God in the wind, earthquake, or the fire. God spoke in a still, small voice.

This is the perfect time to seek Him in the quiet. Trust Him with the story of your heart. Create with Him. Sabat.

Why creativity, rest, and time with God are connected. @TaraMinistry #ACFWBlogs #writetip #writing #encouragement Share on X

Tara Johnson is an author and speaker, and loves to write stories that help people break free from the lies they believe about themselves. Tara’s debut novel Engraved on the Heart (Tyndale) finaled in the Carol and Christy awards. Her third book with Tyndale is set to release February of 2021. She is a history nerd, and adores making people laugh.


Comments 2

  1. So many said they wanted quiet,
    want it here, and want it now!
    They did not, though, really try it
    and now they have it anyhow.
    Silence rules where once was bustle,
    where horns blared there’s peace instead
    and now for some it is a tussle
    to just be getting out of bed.
    We are formed for our own days,
    honed unto the daily need,
    and should not ape others’ ways
    nor hijack a different seed
    to plant, although we’ve always wanted
    to wear an Amish hat or bonnet.

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