Pictured below are some self-confessed ACFW chocoholics. Far left is Meredith Efken, the gal with the parrot slippers and stuffed doggie is Tiff Miller. Not sure who is hiding behind them. To Tiff’s right sitting behind everyone is Annette Irby, in front in the black and white shirt is Vicki Cato, and the tired looking blonde chick to the very far right is me. I think our very own Randy Ingermanson took this picture.
For some members this event has been an annual occurrence. I began hosting these parties just to get to know people (my first year at conference – Denver 2004) and they’ve been a hit ever since. We fellowship, swap goodies, and play The Ungame (Christian Version) by passing out cards and asking attendees to follow the card’s instructions. Editors, agents, unpubbed and pubbed all hang out as fellow believers in Christ and enjoy each other’s company. The event usually takes place the first night (Thursday) around Late Night Chat time. So come one, come all and bring chocolate. To discuss this further you may go to the FORUMS as there is a conference topic specifically discussing the party there. Just comment that you plan to come either here or on FORUMS and I’ll try to make sure you get notified of the time. There is nothing like a little chocolate to make an author brave, eh? It doesn’t hurt to bring some to your appointment when you pitch either. 🙂 Happy munching.