Unmasking Righteousness

ACFWAuthors and writing, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW, writing 1 Comment

By Christine Sunderland In my recently released novel, Angel Mountain (Wipf and Stock Publishers), the hermit Abram calls for repentance, crying from a precipice, preaching to a gathering in the meadow below. He does not mask his words or his face. He tells the truth as he has been told to do. As Anglicans, we observed Ash Wednesday last week, …

Pay It Forward

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By Mary Manners “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” ~ Colossians 3:12 ~ I have been writing since I was old enough to know that words tell a story…about four years old. I have such vivid memories of standing in my basement in Chicago, leaning against the washing …

Three Tips for Writing a Book Blurb

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By Melissa Tagg First of all, can we talk about how the word “blurb” is kinda funny? I mean, say it enough times and it sounds like you’re trying to mimic an animal. What animal, I don’t know. Nor do I know why a person would sit around saying “blurb” over and over. But still. Recently several friends and I …

ACFW Rewind: Keeping an Emotional Journal

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It’s ACFW Rewind time. Today we’ve picked a blog from May, 2010. Enjoy this post on emotional writing. by Cathy Bryant Emotions. They run the gamut from elation to depression, overwhelming joy to unspeakable sorrow, hatred to love. Need more? How about anxiety, tenderness, compassion, apathy, sympathy, confusion, suspicion, curiosity, surprise, excitement, guilt, fear, restlessness, gratitude, and loneliness? The stories …

Real Issues in Christian Fiction

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Books, Friends of ACFW, tips, writing, writing Leave a Comment

by Dani Pettrey I often hear people say they don’t read Christian fiction because it doesn’t deal with real issues. I take issue with that. I’ve read phenomenal Christian novels dealing with issues like adultery (Dry as Rain by Gina Holmes), drug addiction (Terri Blackstock’s Intervention series), and most recently, I read a novel dealing with a very prevalent issue …

A Thousand Words a Day?

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by Donna L. Rich “But, let’s just stop and ask for directions,” I plead. “I don’t need directions.” “Honey, come on, I feel like Moses’ wife, here. We’ve been wandering for an hour now, and I want to get out in that sun. There’s a gas station on the corner. Let’s stop, please.” “I don’t need directions. I feel like …

Keep Juggling – Using a Chart to Track Writing Goals

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One of the biggest surprises of being published was the juggling act. Before publication, I’d get a story idea, research it, plot it, write it, and edit it. Then I’d start my next project. After my first contract, that all changed. I’m usually doing publicity for one book, working on my publisher’s edits for another, writing a third, and plotting a fourth. …