by Mark David Pullen Have you ever sat down to write and hit a mental roadblock? Maybe it was for your new manuscript, an article, or that guest blog spot that could change the course of your career as an author forever. In any case, writer’s block is never a welcome state of mind. Most writer’s block cases can be …
by Angela Hunt Hello, ACFW! I hope you’re enjoying your summer and planning for the conference coming up in September. It’s going to be a great time! Anna Quindlen once wrote an insightful column for Newsweek. She wrote about solitude and explained that though she loves her family, she also loves time alone: “I like solitude. I can spend days happily …
Trusting God When an Unexpected Crisis Interrupts Your Life
by Donna Wichelman @DonnaWichelman Have you ever faced an unforeseen event and had to find the courage to trust God even in those difficult circumstances? Most of us have probably endured such a time. Sometimes, it comes out of the blue just when everything seems to go your way, and you’re riding high on the happiness train. We writers are …
Reach THE END, Press SEND, Repeat
By Kathleen Y’Barbo-Turner @KathleenYBarbo As the author of more than 100 books, I often get asked how I manage to write all those books. My answer? One book at a time! I know, but it’s true. I also get asked for my secret to how I manage to reach THE END and press SEND time after time. Please understand I …
Declutter Your Mind – What Do you Need to Purge to Write Better?
By Tammie Fickas With the pandemic and people spending more time at home, decluttering seems to be a hot topic. Going from working too many hours to a forty hour a week job to working from home, I’m surrounded by my stuff, and I’ve realized there’s way too much of it. So, I jumped on the bandwagon and as my …
Haircuts & Hurricanes
by Kathleen Denly This year has been full of surprises, and few of them pleasant. It can be difficult to understand what God is thinking during times like these. It can be tempting to believe what we are going through is so terrible it cannot possibly result in something good. Take my hair for example. It’s very thick and dense. …
Carpe Diem
By Shirley Gould The Roman Poet Horace coined the phrase, carpe diem, seize the day. He wanted to urge someone to make the most of the present-day and give little thought to the future. Scripture encourages the same message in Matthew 6:34 NLT So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for …
Distractions or Disruptions
by Loretta Eidson Are you struggling with relentless distractions? If you’re like me, your calendar fills with deadlines, projects, and commitments. Finding the time to complete each task weighs on our minds. At times, we have so much going on we give in to the distractions around us and avoid facing the workload. Distraction (Google definition)–a thing that prevents someone …