by M.D. House @Real_HouseMD At first blush, this doesn’t seem like such a difficult task. But when we examine the recent success of The Chosen—and all of the painstaking work which has gone into not just the cinematography but the storytelling itself—we realize the steep challenge involved in securing the sweet promise of that goal. Such stories and their characters …
The Poetry in our Fiction
by Susan Lyttek @SusanLyttek On the day I’m writing this, I just wrote a personal blog post about our poetic God and how God uses poetry to communicate with us and through us. But the day this will be posting, I will be boarding a cruise ship with my husband to celebrate our fortieth anniversary and unable to see this …
What is Stronger than a Mother’s Love?
by Ifueko Ogbomo As a writer of Biblical Fiction, I often ponder about the lives of the Bible’s heroes and heroines. Given that it’s Mother’s Day tomorrow, my musings today surround biblical mothers and their sons. Most famous of them all is Mary. The virgin who became a mother in the most unexpected and unique manner and would have surely …
Stretch Your Brain for Creativity
By Terry Overton As a new writer curious about the craft of writing, I aspired to learn all aspects of writing fiction. Authors’ voices, writing styles, and uniquely developed characters are fascinating. How was Hemmingway’s writing different from Fitzgerald or Austin? How are the styles of contemporary fiction authors different from writers of years past? How can authors have such …
The Smell, Taste, Sound, and Feel of Christmas
By Lisa Schnedler My novel, Bentonsport: A Christmas Story, is about two people, from two eras, who meet two weeks before Christmas. When I sat down to write this novel, I did not plan for it to involve time travel. I intended the story to reflect the emotions I had experienced when I moved from the city I had lived …
A Different Way to Look at Books
By Deborah Raney “. . . he who destroys a good book kills reason itself.” ~John Milton There is something about books and bookshelves lined with favorite books that just make a house feel cozier and more welcoming. But books don’t have to be only for reading. As a writer of books and an avid reader of books, I’ve begun to …
There Is A Cause
By Shirley Gould This year is finally coming to a close. Can you say Praise the Lord? With Christmas behind us and a new year around the corner, it is a good time to reassess where we’ve been and make goals for the future. 2020 has numbed us into a stagnant state with its quarantines, mask-wearing, and social distancing. As …
It was a dark and stormy night.
by Lisa Loraine Baker It was a dark and stormy night. How about a dark and stormy year? Covid, lockdowns, green zones, purple zones, elections. Oh my! If any of these things affects your writing, you’re not alone. Following are a few pitfalls from this year: How can I concentrate on my story when the one in the news is …
Put Your Feet on the Desk
By Terri Gillespie “. . . and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.” 1 Kings 19:12, NKJV I have a friend who was a vice-president of a major financial institution in Manhattan. He’s an incredible idea person—a real visionary. While overseeing operations for a ministry, …