Advice from Jennifer Johnson

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I’ll share my divine appointment stuff too. 😀
The first conference I was determined to sell my book!!! My chapter came in second place for Noble Theme and I was sure I would sell. While there, God spoke to my heart through Esther. Showed me how she had to be prepared for a whole year before taken before the king. He was letting me know I’d need some preparation. I also received some amazing encouragement from Karen Kingsbury that kept me writing another year.
Three or four years later…I’d have to go look at actual time…I went to the conference for confirmation that I needed to put my computer away…I know it sounds crazy to go TO a conference to hear God say NO to this calling/profession. But I felt so discouraged, so frustrated…I just KNEW I’d get there and He’d say, “See, this is not for you.” Guess what happened? I cried. I boohooed. I went to the prayer room and told Him I was done. I attended few classes. I had an internal warfare raging within me. Before I left, an author, Cathy Marie Hake, asked me if I’d write the third Heartsong book for Oklahoma contemporary. She said the editor, Jim Peterson, felt I had potential (I’d submitted several times) but I needed some guidance. Can you believe that?
Six months later, it was my first contracted story.
He’s taught me so much through this writing journey, that I’ve learned not to focus on my agenda at all. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a planner. I think. I pray. I look into things. But HE takes care of it!
I finished writing my last contracted Heartsong last summer. Felt a little sad. Thought maybe it was time to rest for a while. (I wrote one novella and four Heartsongs in two years, all while I taught fulltime…oh yes, and I have a hubby and three girls.) As time passed, I felt the writing yearning in my spirit simmer. Then in January or February I was awarded Favorite New Author for Heartsongs. Now, I’m working on three stories for Delaware Contemporary. I still have a passion for writing. It didn’t go away last summer, but my focus is my LORD! I’ll write when and what He says. 😀
I hope that encourages some. ACFW has been a wonderful encouragement to me. 😀

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