Another volunteer whom I’m privileged to spotlight is Jan Warren, a member
Jan Warren was one of the founding members of WIN, the first ACFW local
chapter. She was the original “Rose Lady” who presented silk roses in
celebration of member raves (contest wins, signing with an agent, signing a
contract, etc.). She’s opened her home for fellowship dinners when we’ve had
guest speakers and graciously hosted members when we created gift baskets
for fundraisers. She’s a fabulous cook and shares her casseroles and cakes
when we have pot-lucks or special occasions. Recently she organized a
Genesis critique group to encourage and coach those entering the Genesis.
She has been a judge in the Carol Contest and a volunteer at the annual
conference. She loves to work in the Prayer Room.
We’re delighted to present Jan (a former Genesis winner and finalist for
2011) for the volunteer spotlight. Thank you for all you’ve done for ACFW
and other writers.
Margaret Daley
ACFW President