I missed ACFW last year, but a newborn was a good excuse, right? 🙂 I’m very excited to meet up with everyone again, experience the awesome general sessions and worship time, and just soak in all I can about Christian publishing to help me be a better fiction editor. Getting to check out the Mall of America is a nice perk, too!
ACFW 2006 was my first conference. I was just a few months into my new job as editor for Heartsong Presents and still feeling like quite the rookie. So what amazed me the most was the extreme nervousness I could sense in some of the authors who met with me at appointments. I sat there all jittery myself wondering Why in the world are these folks nervous talking to me of all people? I realize the situation is intimidating, especially for unpublished authors. You’re sitting on one side of the table with your beloved work in your hands trying to articulate why someone should buy it and publish it for all the world to see. I’m one of the people who could help make that happen. Becky and I have discussed how we acquisitions editors have the power to make writers’ dreams come true or dash them to pieces. Wow. That’s a power I don’t want to take lightly, nor one I want to let go to my head. In my mind, I’m just a regular “jo†(ha!) trying to do the best she can with the interests and skills and job God has given her. All credit goes to Him for putting me here and making my career dreams come true!
So, if you’re coming to conference and are scheduling an appointment with me, there’s no need to be nervous. I know it’s easier said than done, especially if you’re more of an introverted type of person. But don’t worry about little things like if you fumble your words or have a nervous habit. I do those same things! There’s no reason to be intimidated by me. I’m certainly no better than you, and God loves you and has plans for you just as He does me. If we end up working together on your book for Heartsong Presents, then it’s all a part of His plan. If not, He’s got other things for you.
See you in September!
JoAnne Simmons, Heartsong Presents Editor