2024 Genesis Finalists

We are pleased to announce our 2024 Genesis Finalists! Thank you to all who entered our contest. If you don’t see your name listed below, please know we appreciated your entry to the Genesis Contest, and we hope you enter again next year! Winners will be announced Saturday, 9/7, during the Awards Gala at ACFW’s Conference in New Orleans.

Genesis Semifinalists

Deena Adams
Kate Mackereth
Suzanne Montgomery
Felicia Cameron
Carrie Hachadurian
Megan Southon
Historical Romance
Bailey Cornell
Lyndee Henderson
Leslie Moore
Taylor S. Newport
John Tipper
JA Webb
Elmer Fuller
Erin Mifflin
Anne-McCourt Thomas
Lindy Jacobs
Jeanne Takenaka
Erma Ullrey
Romantic Suspense
Breana Johnson
Kelly Lobato
Kelly Lobato
Carol Eaton
Pat Schantz
Philip Wilder
Young Adult
JJ Giddens
Allie Lynn
Beverley Jackson Smith
B. Anne Stevens