ACFW Conference Prayer: The Praise Band (Day 35)

ACFWACFW, Conference, Prayer 1 Comment

ACFW Conference Prayer for the praise band as they practice and lead worship

Psalm 150:6–Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!


Thank you so much for the opportunity to come before You in corporate worship. We bring the praise team to You and ask that You protect them as they prepare to lead and direct us in this time of reflection on You. Safeguard their minds and hearts, their families and home, their workplaces and their instruments. May You bring them to a place of intimacy with You that will inspire them to boldly proclaim Your truths. Guide them in the song selection, that the songs picked will speak to the hearts of those in attendance and will be ripe with fruit waiting to be harvested. As David wrote in Psalm 150:6–Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord! May the praise team be in a place of continual praise before You, that the spotlight will shine on You and You alone.

To You be the glory. Amen


Written by Jaime Jo Wright

Comments 1

  1. Thank you, Lord, for those who sing
    your praises and your glory.
    I’m grateful for the life they bring
    to the glorious Gospel story.
    I sing myself at times, of course,
    after bathing, wrapped in towel,
    with joy until I am quite hoarse
    and the dogs begin to howl.
    So thank you kindly for the few
    with the skill to do this right.
    We’ll be toe-tappin’ in the pew,
    and saying, “Outta sight!”
    And keep me, Lord, where I belong,
    and don’t tempt me to sing along.

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