ACFW Conference Prayer: Day 10

ACFWACFW, Conference, Prayer Leave a Comment

Please join us in today’s prayer, written by a member of ACFW’s Forty Days of Prayer team.

Day 10 (counting down to Day 1):

Topic: For Casey Miller as he finalizes appointments

Scripture: Hebrews 4:16– Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. (KJV)


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the diligent work of Casey Miller as he organizes appointments for Conference. May Your guidance lead him and give him grace in his service. We pray for Thy mercy as we come boldly to this gathering and ask for Thy grace to be with each attendee. May our hearts be open to Thee, and may Thy be love reflected in all we do. In Jesus’ precious name, amen.

Written by Shanna Hatfield

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