As a mom with three teens, one thing I’m very cognizant of is my children’s grades. I know very well the excellence my kids are capable of, and their grades are one indicator of how hard they work.
Plus, those grades give me a reason to give my children a well deserved, “Great Job!”
Which is exactly what I want to say about the ACFW Conference and to all those involved: “Well done!” And for your superb efforts, I reward you with the grade of …
Oh wait! Please! You’re looking at this from the wrong perspective (and we writers know all about perspective, don’t we?) Honestly, F is the best grade possible. F stands for many wonderful things, not just the fluffy adjectives fabulous and fantastic. Just read on, you’ll see …
Fellow blogger, Linda, is eyeing my yummy dessert & I’m clearly not happy about it!
FICTION – While there are several excellent conferences around the country, ACFW is unique for its focus on fiction. Other conferences’ loyalties are split with poetry and memoirs and how-to books; ACFW is fully fiction.
FOOD – Oh my! Just the thought of the scrumptious appetizers, salads, entrees, and desserts makes my mouth water. The entire dining experience makes you feel like royalty.
FAITH – The most important and binding reason for us joining together. How many conferences–writing or otherwise–begin and end with prayer?
Inkspirational Messages Ladies
FRIENDS – The friends I’ve made through ACFW aren’t just “writer” friends, they’re lifelong friends. They’re the ones who will be with me in all my joys and pains. What a blessing!
ACFW Choir
FELLOWSHIP – Perhaps what I look forward to the most is gathering with attendees to fellowship with the Lord. People from many denominations, and authors who write in varying genres, stand together singing, worshiping the one true God, praising Him with one heart, reminding us He is the reason we write.
FAILURE – Oh, there I’ve upset you again, but failure is to be celebrated. Really. Don’t believe me? Then read my blog post, Famous Failures, from a few weeks back. Chances are most of us will experience failures at the conference. The question is, what will you do with that failure? It’s okay, normal, and very human to feel bad about it. But then take that failure and celebrate it and use it as a stepping stone for improving.
That’s called learning.
Have I convinced you that the ACFW Conference earned the grade of F? Whew. I’m glad. I was a little nervous there, but I knew you’d appreciate seeing it from a unique perspective. Maybe you even have your own word to add to the list.
So, go the ACFW Conference this September in St. Louis. You’re sure to have a fun, fantastic, and fabulous time!
Brenda Anderson can be found at her website.