Title: Christmas Belles of Georgia (Romancing America)
Author: Jeanie Smith Cash, Rose Allen McCauley, Jeri Odell, Debra Ullrick
Publisher: Barbour Books
Date: Sep 2011
ISBN: 978-1616264802
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Reviewed by: Laura V. Hilton
Four sisters, identical quadruplets, find out they are adopted and heirs to a historical plantation.
Christmas in Dixie by Jeanie Smith Cash – Holly Davenport is shocked when she receives a letter sharing the news that she’s adopted and an heiress. She travels to Monticello, Georgia, to get some answers, but while there suffers an appendicitis attack and ends up in the hospital. Dr. Grayston Brockman, her attending physician, quickly becomes more to her than just her doctor. What will it take for Grayston to convince her to stay in Georgia?
Nick’s Christmas Carol by Rose Allen McCauley – Carol Peterson is an only child, but she’s always dreamed of having a large family. When she is almost twenty-five, she learns that she’s one of a set of quadruplets. She’s thrilled, but the attorney won’t reveal any more information. Nick Powers, the good-looking manager of Bellingham Plantation, tries to help Carol cope while she waits. They work together to help make Christmas happy for others-but will they find their own happiness?
Starry Night by Jeri Odell – Starr Evans loves the California surf, sea, and sand. Camden Brockman goes to California to let her know about her adoption, and they are instantly attracted to each other. But he has deep roots in the south. Will they be able to find a place to build a life together?
Love Stetson by Debra Ullrick – Noel Brady knew she was adopted, but she didn’t know she was part of a set of quadruplets. She shares her discovery with her father’s ranch hand, Stetson Laramie. She loves Stetson but isn’t sure how he feels about her. Her big news only seems to push him further away. When Noel learns about Stetson’s secret past, will she continue to love him?
Christmas Belles of Georgia is a set of four novellas written by four authors regarding the four quadruplets in this story. All four must come to terms with their adoption, suddenly becoming part of a large group of siblings, and being heirs to a historical plantation.
The four female protagonists in the novellas are identical quadruplets separated at birth, which is an oddity, but ties the stories together. All four are heirs to a Georgia peanut plantation, complete with a mansion. I found the stories the usual style for Barbour Books novellas—a quickly developing romance, a theme that ties the four stories together, and a tie-in where the four sisters actually meet for the first time-but one story stands above the rest with well-developed characters and a believable plot line.
This sweet collection of Christmas romances won’t take long to read and will make a good Christmas gift for a romance-lover in your life.
Laura V. Hilton is the author of Hot Chocolate and Shadows of the Past, Treble Heart Books. The first novel in her Amish of Seymour series, Patchwork Dreams, Whitaker House, released in April 2011. Book two, A Harvest of Hearts released in September 2011, and book three, Promised to Another, releases in April 2012.
Laura, her husband, Steve, and their five children make their home in Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas. She is a pastor’s wife, a stay-at-home mom, and home-schools three of her children. Her two oldest children are home school graduates and are in college. Hilton, a breast cancer survivor, also writes devotionals and has been published in Zondervan compilations. A business graduate of Ozarka College and a professional book reviewer for the Christian market, she has over a thousand book reviews published at various online sites. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers.