Conference Tip: Managing the Information Gush

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€ One concern I’ve heard many people voice about the conference is that they are bombarded with so much information in such a short time, they worry they can’t possibly absorb it all. That’s probably true, although I know from experience that I always retain more than I initially believe. The great thing is, you will come home from conference …

Greetings from Dallas!

Pam MeyersUncategorized Leave a Comment

Well, some of us are already in Dallas. Head into the conference office and you’ll see people in there working on last minute details, making sure everything is set for all of you to come. Head into what will become the bookstore and you’ll find people unloading box after box and inventorying the books. Soon the dividing wall between that …

Forty Days of Prayer – Day 1

Pam MeyersUncategorized Leave a Comment

Day 1–That God’s will be accomplished at the conference Psa. 115:1–Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory. Heavenly Father, You are Maker, Redeemer, Defender, and Friend. You are omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. You are perfect and holy. You alone are God. Heavenly Father, thank you for our membership in the body of believers, …

ACFW Conference

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Today I head to Dallas for the American Christian Fiction Writers’ National Conference. I am so excited about many aspects of this conference. First, it’s the only conference that focuses exclusively on fiction. Since that’s what I write, it’s a good place to be. Second, at it’s opening session last year, I received my very first book contract. I will …

Forty Days of Prayer – Day 2

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Day 2–Weather during travel Luke 8:24b–And He got up and rebuked the wind and the surging waves, and they stopped, and it became calm. Dear Lord, Thank you and praise your holy name for the beauty and elegance of the weather patterns from your hand. They are so intricate and connected to the health and well-being of our planet. Today, …

Forty Days of Prayer – Day 3

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Day 3–Early Bird Sessions Prov. 2:2–Make your ear attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding. Father God, We lift up every participant in the Early Bird sessions at the ACFW conference. We pray their hearts and minds will be open to the truths the teachers have for them. We pray a hedge of thorns around their lives as they …

Conference Tip: Rest Before You Arrive

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If at all possible, be rested before you get to the conference. I know this is hard because there’s so much to do to get prepared, but make a list of tasks to be completed-business cards, pitch sheets, packing, etc.-then get it done early. Try not to spend the last night before you fly out worrying about if you have …

Conference Tips: Simplify

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If you’re like me, a “be prepared at all costs” type person, force yourself to simplify. Pack the absolute necessities. Have a nice, mix-and-match wardrobe with a few accessories. Keep your writing portfolio simple. Organize it and your flight plans, your hotel confirmation, etc. in a binder so that all your paperwork is together. I’ve learned (okay, I’m learning!), that …

Forty Days of Prayer – Day 4

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Day 4–Operating Board & Advisors 2 Thes. 2:16-17–Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word. Dear Father, Please be with our operating board and advisors as they meet on Wednesday before our …

Forty Days of Prayer – Day 5

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The Operating Board and Advisory Board, along with other volunteers and some attendees, will be traveling to Dallas prior to Wednesday and Thursday when the majority of attendees will be in route. Please hold this prayer for traveling mercies up to our Gracious Father throughout this coming week. Day 5–Travel safety Psa. 121:3b-4–He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, …