Small Things

ACFWACFW, Advice, Authors and writing, Deadlines, Encouragement, Faith, Time Management, writing 11 Comments

by Lisa Kelley @LisaKelleyWrite

Sometimes, it can seem nearly impossible to find time to put words on the screen. If you have a
full-time job like me, the hours you have to devote to writing may be few. Often, I set aside my
vacation time as dedicated writing hours. Such was my plan this past December. I struggled last
year with imposter syndrome and a defeatist attitude. However, toward the end of the year, I
found the motivation to dig in and bang out the rough draft of a new story idea. I had a two-week
vacation planned at Christmas and had nothing but writing on my agenda. Then life happened.
In early December, my mother fell and broke her hip. For two weeks, I worked through the week
with nightly visits and spent the weekends at the hospital and later at the rehabilitation center.
During that time, I had a sinus infection that zapped all the energy I had remaining. Mom got
home a few days before Christmas, but the two weeks I had reserved sped by running errands,
handling Christmas preparations, and taking care of my parents. No writing happened.

In January, reports and special projects at work left me exhausted. I wrote less than 2000 words
and ended the month frustrated. Yet again, I questioned whether this writing endeavor was
nothing more than a fantasy. But a Bible verse kept coming to mind. “Do not despise these small
beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…” (Zechariah 4:10, NLT).

The Lord rejoices over the work we do that glorifies Him, no matter how small it is. And, we,
who have been called to write, should rejoice to do His work even if it seems small to us. The
time pressure is self-imposed unless you’re under a deadline, which I am not. God wants us to
use our time wisely, and if you’re like me, you can find all kinds of activities to distract you from
the task God has given you. Still, He isn’t measuring us by our word count.

During the month of February, I’ve added 15,000 words to my manuscript. My goal is to get the
bones on paper so I can add the meat in the second draft. If I take all year to finish this book,
God will still be pleased if it honors Him. He should be my focus. Not how one author can write
four books in a year while I struggle to finish one. Comparison kills creativity and enthusiasm
for the work God has entrusted us to do.

The main thing I’ve learned over the last year is to show up. The most important act of
obedience sometimes is to be present, offer what I have to give, and let the Lord do the rest.
Consistency, even in small acts, adds up, and God notices. “But as for you, be strong and do not
give up, for your work will be rewarded” (2 Chron 15:7, NIV).

The reward may not be a publishing contract or a best-selling book. Yes, those are the things we
aspire to achieve. But the real prize is the time we create with the Lord. He’s not counting the
minutes we spend or the number of words we write. I believe He is rejoicing that we showed up.
If we write ten words or 5,000 in a day, He still rejoices if we gave Him our all.

He is a big God who can take our smallest offerings and use them to change the world.

Lisa Kelley writes witty, contemporary romances to entertain and to show people how beautiful Jesus is. An Arkansas native, Lisa is represented by Tamela Hancock Murray with the Steve Laube Agency. In her spare time, she loves to travel and relax with her family and friends.


Comments 11

  1. Oh my word – I could have written this one! As a wife, mom, grandma of 11, daughter of an elderly widowed mama (89) and so many more hats – I get it. Thank you for your optimism, your bravery and your inspiration to do the writing no matter the hours, word count, or “quality”! I am so ready to just keep moving ahead on the goal of writing the novel that has brewed in my heart for a long time.

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