Four Things to Give Up to Grow Your Writing Career

ACFWAuthors and writing, Encouragement, Friends of ACFW, writing 1 Comment

By Lisa Jordan

How many times have you heard someone say, “I give up”?

Those three simple words can destroy a writer’s dream.

Maybe you’ve been trying to get that novel completed but your characters aren’t cooperating. Or you’ve been trying to get an agent’s or an editor’s attention to no avail.

It’s so easy to give up, isn’t it? To walk away. To stop stressing.

Often, we give up out of frustration or discouragement. However, giving up isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Writers who want to build a thriving career need to give up the following:

  • I give up comparisons. When we see our friends signing contracts, hitting bestseller lists, winning awards, getting books made into movies, it’s so easy to get caught up in that comparison trap. “If only I was a great writer like _______.” I’m sure each one of us could fill in the blank with a name or two. But here’s the thing—comparing yourself to someone else steals your joy and their blessing. God created each one of us with our own gifts, talents, and voice. Stop trying to be like someone else and focus on being the best writer you can be. The world is waiting for your voice and your stories.
  • I give up not believing in myself. Even though it took twenty-six years from that first moment I knew I wanted to be a writer, I didn’t stop believing in the dream God had placed on my heart as a teenager. I continually worked through road blocks. I believed God’s promise of having a plan and a purpose for my life to give me a hope and a future. I kept believing in Him, and that allowed me to believe in myself. If I don’t believe I can do it through Him or have a passion for the stories I want to tell, then how can I expect my readers to believe in my stories? How can you work to change your perspective to grow as a more confident writer?
  • I give up the fear of risking failure. No one submits a manuscript hoping to have it declined. We want those book contracts. But if we allow fear of failure to prevent us from moving forward with our careers…and risking those declines, then we won’t grow as writers. Allowing ourselves to feel all the emotions that go along with those declined proposals, low star reviews, and disgruntled readers will help us to grow as writers. I had to risk failure in order to learn how to succeed with getting those book proposals accepted. I take a risk each time I submit a new story my editor. By submitting, I’m continuing to grow my skills to become a better writer.
  • I give up isolation. Writing can be a solitary occupation where you spend so much time in your head, but no one can write that story in your voice but you. There are plenty of online writing communities to find solidarity with other like-minded writers. Building relationships with writing friends and industry professionals organically will help you to grow as a writer and as a person. We were created for relationships—relationship with God and others. Build relationships with other writers. You may be surprised by the blessings God has in store for you.

Many times, giving up is not the right choice, but giving up negative behaviors and thought patterns will offer freedom to help you grow as a writer and as a more successful person.

What are you willing to give up to grow your writing career? @lisajordan #ACFWBlogs #writetip #critiques #ACFWCommunity Share on X

Represented by Cynthia Ruchti of Books & Such Literary Management, Lisa Jordan is an award-winning author for Harlequin’s Love Inspired line, writing contemporary Christian romances that promise hope & happily ever after. Her latest book, His Road to Redemption, released in January 2022. Learn more about her at






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