by Ane Mulligan
My latest WIP is either going to kill me or be my opus. My main character did not reveal as much as I prefer before I started writing the story. I knew her home was steeped in secrets; I knew those. Or so I thought. But she withheld a few to spring on me at unsuspected times.
And every time she tosses out a new revelation, it changes everything. Does this happen to you? Or am I alone in this?
Leery of what I’m facing, I schlog toward my office to begin weaving in this newest piece. I flip the light switch, only to see a flash of lightbulb burn-out. I do an about face and head to the laundry room, where we keep the lightbulbs.
There, I find the correct bulb and a load of laundry that desperately needs to be done. If not done NOW, nobody will have any clean clothes to wear tomorrow. I get the first load in, cleverly choosing the most important items, so each of us at least has one complete outfit, in case I don’t get back to the next load.
I grab the lightbulb and head back toward my office, but the dog is dancing at the door with his legs crossed. I set the lightbulb down on my desk and whisk the dog outside to do his duty. Unfortunately, he brings a ball with him and refuses to relieve himself until the ball is thrown six times. Not five and not seven. Apparently, it takes six ball chases to unleash his bladder. Hmm, I wonder if I can use that in a book?
Back inside, the dog has to get a biscuit for doing his duty. Maybe that’s what I need. A cookie. I go to the cookie jar but it’s empty. Now I have to have a cookie. I reach into the freezer to see if there are any there. I also pull out something to fix for supper. But there isn’t anything good to go with it, so I give up, grab my purse and head to the grocery store.
By the time I’m back, dry and fold the laundry, change the lightbulb, and take the dog out…again, it’s three o’clock and all my other writer pals are done for the day and playing on Facebook.
I want to know who said writing is easy!
Who Said Writing was Easy? Thoughts from @AneMulligan #acfwblogs #writing #writinglife Share on X
Ane Mulligan writes Southern-fried fiction served with a tall, sweet tea. She’s an award-winning, multi-published novelist and playwright, who believes chocolate and coffee are two of the four major food groups. You can find her on her website
Comments 3
So glad to know I’m not the only one!
Love it, Ane!
You’re definitely not alone, Linda! And than’s Pat. 🙂