The ACFW Genesis Contest is for unpublished Christian fiction writers. With ten categories to enter, Genesis provides the opportunity for unbiased feedback on writers’ work by published authors and experienced judges, and the chance for finalists to have their work read by Christian publishing house editors and literary agents. ACFW is pleased to see many previous category winners and finalists move further in their writing careers and become published authors.
Please read all of the guidelines below before entering. Contest opens January 2, 2025 at 8:00am central, and closes on March 1, 2025 at 4:00pm central. All entries must be in by that time.
1. Any author whose work has not been previously published, whether traditionally or independently/self-published in novella or book-length fiction is eligible to enter the Genesis Contest. Exceptions to this rule are:
- Authors who only published in non-fiction, picture books, and short story may enter.
- Authors who were previously considered published by this contest in past years because they have participated in a novella collection published by one of ACFW’s recognized local chapters may enter with their unpublished manuscript as long as they meet all other Genesis Contest requirements. This change is effective January 2, 2025.
2. While there is no limit to the number of entries an author may submit, each manuscript may only be entered in one category.
3. Contest is open to both ACFW members and non-members.
4. Any author contracted for publication or who decides to independently/self-publish before March 1, 2025, is not eligible to enter Genesis. If an entrant receives a contract on a manuscript entered in the contest after March 1, 2025, that manuscript may remain in the contest.
5. Any author who has entered Genesis may not independently/self-publish any work until after the Genesis finalists are announced. An author who is a finalist in the contest may not independently/self- publish any work until after the winners have been announced during ACFW’s conference gala.
6. Co-authored entries are allowed to enter. If one of the authors is a current ACFW member, then the entry can be submitted for the member entry fee. All authors must be unpublished in fiction.
7. In any category, if fewer than seven (7) entries are received, the category shall be dissolved and the entrant’s alternate choice category on their submission will be used. The author is responsible for choosing the appropriate category for their entry.
8. Previous winning entries of the Genesis Contest are not eligible to be entered in this year’s contest. Previous finalist (not winning) entries may be entered again. First Impressions Contest entries (even if they have won in their category in First Impressions) are eligible as long as they meet all other eligibility requirements as stated.
9. The Manuscript should conform to traditionally accepted understanding of Scripture and Christian world view. The ACFW Executive Board may order the disqualification of submissions not meeting this requirement.
10. Manuscripts must be complete in order to enter Genesis.
11. Entries not meeting the above-defined requirements will be disqualified and the entry fee forfeited.
$40 per entry for current ACFW members, $125 per entry for non-members. You may choose to join ACFW at the time of entrance in order to receive the member entry fee rate.
• Multiple entries require multiple entry fees.
• If an entrant must withdraw from the contest for any reason, they must forfeit their entry fee.
1. Each entrant must upload their entry as a Microsoft Word .docx document. No other formats will be accepted.
2. Include a one-page single-spaced synopsis in the same file with your manuscript. Do NOT send a separate file for your synopsis. The one-page synopsis should have the same format as the manuscript EXCEPT that it should be single-spaced instead of double-spaced, and it should start at the top of the page one double-space below the header. The synopsis may use indented paragraphs or block paragraphs with a single space between paragraphs. PLEASE insert the synopsis first in the document, then the manuscript pages. (16 pages total)
3. Do NOT place your name or pseudonym anywhere on the synopsis or manuscript. There should be no information in the entry that could enable someone to identify you.
4. Please do not post the title or other identifiers of your Genesis-entered manuscript(s) to any of your online profiles (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, etc.) since entries are to be anonymous for judging.
5. Fill out the entry form, upload the entry file, and pay the contest fee at The entry form is in the right-hand sidebar.
6. All entrants are required to check the “accept” box on the entry form indicating acceptance of terms.
Please use the Manuscript Formatting Example found here to see how your entry should look. Entries with artwork, borders, or frames on the manuscript pages will not be allowed. For all entries, the following guidelines must be used:
1. Use 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. The contest requires the use of Times New Roman, Courier New, Garamond, Cambria, or Book Antiqua.
2. The one-page synopsis should have the same format as the manuscript EXCEPT that it should be single-spaced instead of double-spaced, and it should start at the top of the page one double-space below the header.
3. Include a header on each manuscript with the title, category/genre, estimated manuscript word count, and page numbers. The header must be in a same font as the rest of the blurb and manuscript. NO entrant’s name or pseudonym should be in the header. See manuscript formatting example here.
4. Your entry will contain, in this order, a one-page, single-spaced synopsis, followed by the first 15 pages of your manuscript. Prologues are acceptable and should be included in the 15-page count. The entry will be 16 pages total, including synopsis. You may send less than 16 pages. DO NOT SEND MORE THAN 16 PAGES. ANYTHING MORE THAN 16 PAGES WILL BE DELETED AND MAY LEAD TO DISQUALIFICATION.
5. To indicate a scene break, insert a single hashtag (#) or three hashtags (###) or three asterisks (***) one double-space down from the last line of the previous scene. Begin the new scene one double-space down from the hashtag(s) or asterisks.
Entries not fulfilling the above specifications will be disqualified. Entry fees will not be refunded.
For more information and an entry checklist, see FAQ pages on the ACFW website.
If you have any questions, please e-mail the contest coordinator at
When e-mailing coordinators, please put “Genesis” in the subject line.
Category Coordinators:
- Contemporary: Amy Deardon
- Historical: Deb Garland
- Historical Romance: Jessica Stone
- Mystery/Suspense/Thriller: Kathy Steusser
- Novella: Kim Autrey
- Romance: Terri Wangard
- Romantic Suspense: Janet Morris Grimes
- Short Novel: Janet Morris Grimes
- Speculative: Suzie Anne
- Young Adult: Robyn Hook
FIRST ROUND: During the first round, three judges (published authors or experienced writers trained in judging the Genesis) will score each entry, up to a maximum of 100 points per entry. All three scores will be averaged. Discrepancy judges will NOT be used due to the logistics of the contest.
See a sample scoresheet here.
FINAL ROUND: The top three previous round entries in each category–Category Finalists–will continue to the final round. In the event of a tie, the previous round scores of the tied entries will be used to break the tie.
During the final round, three final round judges will score each entry, and the three scores will be averaged. Discrepancy judges will NOT be used unless a judge deems a manuscript unqualified. Then the title will be evaluated by a single, overseeing judge. In each category, the entry receiving the top final round score becomes the category winner. The final round scores alone determine the category winners. If any category winner is disqualified or withdraws for any reason, the next highest-scoring finalist will be moved up to become category winner.
For the final round, the final round judges (editors, agents, and industry professionals) will not utilize the scoresheet used in the previous rounds of judging. Instead, final round judges will simply give a numerical score of 1 to 10 points for each final round entry. Final round judges have the option of giving comments on the final round entries but are not required to do so. All three scores will be averaged. Previous round scores will be used to break a tie.
If any finalist is disqualified or withdraws for any reason after March 1, 2025, the next highest scoring, non-finaling entry will NOT be moved up to fill the vacant spot as a finalist.
For entrants not progressing past the first round, scoresheets and manuscripts will be e-mailed back to each entrant within two weeks after the finalists are announced. Finalists for the Genesis Contest are announced at the Milestone Dinner held on Thursday of the Annual Conference. Entrants are asked to please be patient as coordinators return entries, due to the sheer volume of entries and emails. Questions may be emailed to
All judging is blind. Entrants’ names are only known by the coordinator.
Final Round Judges are editors, agents, and other industry professionals.
For all the stories, one or more characters’ Christian beliefs are blended with and form a part of the story. However, the presence of a Christian character or the use of Christian phrases and scripture are not the indicators of the spiritual content in the stories. For Speculative Fiction, the traditional Christian terms are often replaced by other words more suited to the fictional setting.
Contemporary: Novels or sagas set in any location, in contemporary setting. This category includes literary fiction, women’s fiction, and mainstream fiction. The stories in this category can be dramatic or comedic.
Historical (through Vietnam era): Novels or sagas set in any location, in which the time frame of the majority of the story is a historical context rather than a contemporary one. The time period can be up to and including the Vietnam era.
Historical Romance (through Vietnam era): Novels or sagas set in any location, but in which the time frame of the majority of the story is a historical context rather than a contemporary one. The time period can be up to and including the Vietnam era. The love story is the main focus of the novel, and the end of the story is emotionally satisfying. The stories in this category can be dramatic or comedic.
Mystery/Suspense/Thriller: Novels set in any location in which the suspense or mystery is the primary plot. In suspense, “often the reader learns very early in the story who did what, and how, and even why, so that the tension results from the manner in which an expected conclusion is achieved” (Jessica Mann). In thrillers, “tough, resourceful . . . heroes are pitted against villains determined to destroy them, their country, or the stability of the free world” (Steve Bennett). “The detective novel, or mystery, is generally driven by a single protagonist and follows the process of detection, functioning like a puzzle” (Ginny Wiehardt).
Novella: Contemporary or historical stories in any of the genre categories in this contest. Word count is 15K – 45K.
Romance: The love story is set in any location in a contemporary setting and is the main focus of the novel. The end of the book is emotionally satisfying. The stories in this category can be dramatic or comedic.
Romantic Suspense: A suspense plot is blended with a love story, which is the main focus of the novel, and the end of the book is emotionally satisfying. The story can be in any location, but the time frame should be a contemporary setting. Historical romantic suspense stories should be entered in the Historical Romance category.
Short Novel: Contemporary or historical shorter novels 45K-70K in length.
Speculative: Novels in which the science fiction, the future, other planets, a fantasy world, or paranormal happenings are a major element of the plot or setting. This category includes speculative, visionary, science fiction, paranormal, futuristic, allegory, and alternate history fiction. Stories targeted primarily at young adult readers should be entered in the Young Adult category.
Young Adult: Novels targeted toward young adult readers ages 12 through 18. The stories in this category can be dramatic, comedic, romantic, or non-romantic. Science Fiction/Fantasy/Allegory stories targeted primarily at young adult readers can be entered in this category. Stories targeted to Middle Readers are included in this category.
Each category will have one first place winner. The first-place entry in each category will receive a winner’s award and a gold Genesis lapel pin. The winners will be announced at the ACFW Annual Conference. The finalists in each category will receive a silver Genesis pin.
Contest opens: January 2, 2025, at 8:00 AM Central time.
Contest closes: March 1, 2025, at 4:00 PM Central time. All contest entries and contest fees must be received by that time. No exceptions will be made.
All entries will receive a confirmation e-mail indicating receipt of the entry. If an entrant does not receive a confirmation e-mail by midnight central time March 2, 2025, the entrant should e-mail the contest coordinator at Please double-check your spam or junk mail folders first, if you haven’t received your confirmation.
• May 2025 (DATE TBA) – Semi-Finalists announced. The top 7 entries from each category that has a minimum of 7 entries will be announced as Genesis Semi-Finalists.
• The top 3 Genesis Finalists for each category will be announced at the Thursday evening Milestone Dinner during the ACFW Annual Conference.
Winners will be announced during the Awards Gala in September at ACFW’s national conference in Springfield, MO.