Book Event Basics

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Book Signing, tips 8 Comments

By Barbara M. Britton @BarbaraMBritton

Recently, a debut author emailed me asking what I brought to book signings. After I finished my response, I looked at the many paragraphs in my email and considered what her reaction would be. One of dread and panic.

There are numerous items that you can bring to an organized book event, but all you need to be successful is a smiling, engaging author, books to sell, a cash box, and a pen.

Let’s look at what to pack for an organized book signing.

First, for any event, I pray that I will shine a light for Jesus. Whether I sell five books or fifty, what matters is that readers are exposed to stories that encourage a relationship with God.

Books: Current releases are a must. Older titles may make the trip, but only if I have room on my table or in my packing box or suitcase. How many books do I bring? There is no calculation on how many books I will sell. A lot depends on the number of attendees, your location at the event, and what readers are looking for. Most likely, you will pack more books than you will sell. You can always refer readers to online booksellers if you run out of books.

Displays: With a debut novel, you may only need a book stand, or you can prop your book against a stack of books.

If you have several titles, buy a vertical book display, or have a handy friend make one out of wood. Vertical displays hold several titles and take up less room on the table.

If you are attending a hometown event as a debut author or you are throwing a party for some other writing milestone, you may want to have help at your table. Extra guests or take money, greet guests, or oversee any food tables.

I tell my friends that family, co-workers, neighbors, and friends will show up for a debut event.

Check with the event planners to see if you can have a standing banner and in what dimensions.

Table runners, fairy lights, and other decorations are fun, but are not must-have items.

Swag: Most authors bring swag to a book event. I bring bookmarks, pens, and I have candy on my table. Authors may organize a basket giveaway to get names for their newsletter.

I have a clipboard to gather names for my newsletter.

Money: I accept cash, checks, and credit cards for my books. I have a cash box at the ready with small bills. I use a Zettle for credit cards because it is associated with PayPal, but other authors use various products. At my last event, all of my sales were cash sales, except for one check and one card sale.

Price your books for easy selling. $15 is easier to manage than $15.99 or $14.67. Also check to see if the state you are selling in requires you to pay state sales tax.

Miscellaneous: I use a rolling suitcase to house all of my book items. I bought the case at Hobby Lobby, and they usually have them on sale 50% off. In my case, I have hand sanitizer, scissors, tape, ribbon, rubber bands, “signed by author” stickers, signage for the price of my books, a cover reveal for upcoming releases, an extra tablecloth, and nameplates from other signings.

What’s in my author suitcase for a book event? @BarbaraMBritton #ACFW #authorlife #writers #booksigning #booklovers #writingcommunity Click To Tweet

What did I miss? Do you have any suggestions for improving my book event list?

Now, have some fun and sell some books.

Barbara M. Britton writes Christian romantic adventures for teens and adults from Bible Times to present-day USA. Barbara has a nutrition degree from Baylor University but loves to dip healthy strawberries in chocolate. You can find out more about Barbara and her books or sign up for her newsletter on her website



Comments 8

  1. Hi Barbara,

    Thanks for sharing about your book signings. I enjoy doing them because I like to talk to people one on one. Your excellent tips are timely since I’m going to arrange some signings soon.

  2. Thank you ! I am a new author and did my first Book Signing in August. I am blessed that I work in a Christian Book Store and I was part of a store event. The store was kind enough to provide a goodie box for the local authors that were there that day and another of the authors help me with my table. I did have some bookmarkers my husband made for me on a Lazer printer, with the title of my book. I felt it was a success and had alot of fun. Thank you for you ideas, I will be better prepared for the next one.

    1. Hi Christina. Working in a bookstore gives you firsthand experience for signings. I love to gather ideas from other authors. Some authors are very creative. Congratulations on your first book signing. I’m glad you joined us.

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