ACFW Conference Prayer: Day 3

ACFWACFW, Conference, Prayer Leave a Comment

Please join us in today’s prayer, written by a member of ACFW’s Forty Days of Prayer team.

Day 3 (counting down to Day 1):

Topic: for the Early Bird and Post Conference Sessions

Scripture: Proverbs 2:2–Make your ear attentive to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding.


Father God, we thank You for the chance to learn from experienced authors who have given their time to teach the early bird and post-conference sessions. Please be with Steven James and Hallee Bridgeman as they prepare. Give them clarity of mind and lead them by Your Holy Spirit. Be with all those who attend. Open their ears to hear what You have for them. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Written by Erin Mifflin

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