Where Dreams Are Made Possible

ACFWAdvice, Authors and writing, Encouragement, Faith, Perseverance, writing 11 Comments

by Kelly Anne Liberto @kellyliberto

Are you pressed down and exhausted from opposition? Tired from a burning passion that will not leave you but you seem to make no progress no matter how hard you work? You know the scripture burning in your spirit calling you to follow him. Yet, you see no fruit or reward after years of laboring in the fields of your calling.

Welcome to your dream!

You say, “In the beginning, I had this gift and everything was working out for me. I received awards, finances, and motivation to work hard. Now resources have dried up. I haven’t achieved that dream God showed me. I’m older and tired from the battle. Was I wrong to believe?”

My clear vision was a book with a yellow binding sitting on a bookstore shelf.

After years of working on the craft of writing, publishing articles, and contributing to a book of devotions, I volunteered at a local women’s ministry.

A friend suggested I offer to mentor at this place and the Lord confirmed. So, I went in to apply for this position. To my surprise, I was offered a position as the Overseer for the entire mentoring department. I’d acquired my biblical counseling certificate after overcoming cancer and truly enjoyed seeing others healed from the word of God.

God is our dream maker and our dream achiever. @kellyliberto #ACFW #ChristianFiction #writing #writingcommunity Click To Tweet

How does this tie in with finishing a novel?

I’d written at home day after day, in a makeshift space to write a rough draft of a suspense novel I’d thought was good enough to entertain and inform a reader. But, the book needed a topic. A focus. Something to make it stand out from other books.

In this women’s ministry a seed was dropped in my spirit, a lovely group of my peers prayed. And this idea grew. The president and vice president of the organization supported me and blessed my decision to leave my volunteer position to write a novel about sex trafficking. I’d never imagined delving into the darkness of this world. First, to write the rough draft and next to fully research the topic. It was incredibly difficult yet rewarding.

Many people helped to bring this dream to full term. A faithful writer friend encouraged me, regularly. Then, my critique partners, professional editors, and of course the professional formatting and proofreading helped to hone the story into a final product. My supportive husband and daughters helped me through the highs and lows of research and publication. And finally, the local bookstores in my area were helpful in promoting and selling the work.

Twelve years after I left the women’s ministry, Stealth was published. A labor of love that came in God’s time.

In May I received a picture of my suspense novel Stealth from the booksellers at Barnes and Noble. The novel has a yellow binding and sits on the shelf next to best- selling Christian authors like Jerry Jenkins and Charles Martin.

Do dreams come true? Yes, in God’s way and in his time, they do.

When we humble ourselves to serve in a way that makes no sense in the natural but puts no limits on the Lord he will surprise us with an unimaginable delight!

Psalm 37:4-5
“Find your delight and true pleasure in YAHWEH,
and he will give you what you desire the most.
Give God the right to direct your life,
and as you trust him along the way,
you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly”!

Author and speaker, Kelly Anne Liberto, has been serving as a biblical counselor for several years. She helped spearhead the mentoring department for a local women’s center in her hometown in southeastern pa. When she isn’t writing Kelly enjoys hiking or traveling with her husband of over forty years; she is playing with her golden rottie retriever mix dog, Layla. Visit Kelly on her website at www.kellyanneliberto.com.

Comments 11

  1. Thank you, Kelly, for your encouragement. Mine has been over 15 years journey, every time I wanted to give up, God whispered “keep on and keeping on” through songs or sermons or scriptures. Looking back, He is guiding me closer and closer in the process of this mystry publishing journey. Your testimony assured my belief His way His time. May the Lord continue to guide us and enable our stories dtaw millions to Christ, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!

    1. Wow! That’s amazing that your ‘dream’
      was confirmed. I’m amazed how God encourages us Maggie.
      Many blessings on your writing journey. One of the things I’m learning is how much I need him.

  2. Thank you, Kelly, for your encouragement. Mine has been over 15 years journey, every time I wanted to give up, God whispered “keep on and keeping on” through songs or sermons or scriptures. Looking back, He is guiding me closer and closer in the process of this mystry publishing journey. Your testimony assured my belief His way His time. May the Lord continue to guide us and enable our stories draw millions to Christ, in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!

  3. The dreams that never did come true
    and lie entombed in earth
    are pillar-stones for something new,
    attendant to the birth
    of another vision,
    of another ringing call,
    and it’s my decision
    to once again pick up the ball
    and run downfield for a try
    or kick for a goal,
    or pass back to another guy
    who’s on a better roll
    because the final victory
    is about far more than me.

  4. You have the most inspirational witness. Your words encourage me. I haven’t given up on getting published, just kinda scratching my head right now and saying, “I know you have a plan, Lord – but I ain’t getting any younger.

    1. I feel that Linda. I’ve got to say I enjoy reading your stories, your authentic voice, and the wisdom you share.
      Hope to be one of the first readers to hold your book (s) in my hands.

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