2024 Monthly Virtual Workshops

2024 Monthly Virtual Workshops

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    Linda Wood Rondeau's presentation is based on Corinthians and applied to our fellowship of authors. As Moses needed support to keep his rod above his head, we, as Christian authors, need the support of others. While we recognize this, many of us don’t know how best we can be of service to other authors. It’s not a “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.” Rather it’s “I’ll scratch your back, and you will scratch someone else’s.”
    We all know that our character must have a wound and a dark moment, but have you ever considered intentionally working in a cyclical stronghold? We all have strongholds that originate from negative events in our lives and the lies that result from them. In this webinar, we will go over the cycle of a stronghold as presented in Dance Again Ministries Fishers of Men Discipleship Training. We’ll explore how authors can work this cycle into their stories to deepen the character arcs and heighten the moment of epiphany.
    Authors can’t simply rely on good writing anymore. We’re told to build an audience of followers through social media. But how? This course breaks down why Instagram is helpful in connecting with readers and how to use the platform’s tools to build your online community. - Download a brief outline so you can follow along with Christine: HERE
    Who doesn’t love getting lost in a good story? For many, books are a means of escape from the trials of life or of entertainment amidst its drudgery. But as a Christian author, your pen wields significant power. This workshop will enable you to use your writing to help your readers find the true escape they may not even know they need, and the encouragement that will carry them through the good and bad moments of life. Why let your readers merely get lost in a story, when they could truly be found through it?
    Readers love a series. Agents love series. Both indie authors and publishers know that a well-connected series can gain loyal fans and increase sales. Series also create opportunities for those “extras” that can serve as lead magnets, giveaways, fan bonuses, and promotional tools. Bestselling author Allie Pleiter, who has written over 50 books including seven series for both traditional and independent publishing, shares the secrets of crafting a great series. Whether you’re proposing it to a publisher or utilizing a series to power up your indie career, you’ll come away with tactics to help you succeed well beyond one book.
    Many people think romance novels are the easiest to write, but nothing could be further from the truth! In other genres, anything is possible, but there’s a formula to romance that must be followed. How can you follow it and still create a unique, captivating story? That’s what makes writing romance so challenging! A good romance needs more than just a boy, a girl, and a kiss. By looking at story structure, characterization, endings, and more, you’ll gain the tools you need to write swoon-worthy romance novels that can help you tap in to a billion-dollar industry.
    This training is a roadmap to copy that not only sells but feels like you, the author. We will break down: 1. Understand Your Ideal Client: - Forget the surface details, focus on pain points. - Dive into Facebook groups, Amazon reviews, and even host focus groups. - It's about digging deep to uncover what your readers are looking for. 2. Find Your Own Voice: - Drop the corporate tone; be real. - Define your brand voice, values, and tone. - Create a connection with your audience through authenticity. 3. No More Template Straightjackets and Sounding Like Every Other Author: - Templates are cool, but only after you understand your client and your voice. - Swipe files are your secret sauce. Collect and study catchy ads and emails. - Make it yours – learn from the big guys but keep it uniquely you.
    As a writer, you know you need to interact with and develop relationships with readers through your website, social media and newsletters. But many times, figuring out what to say and how to sustain the conversation can seem daunting and overwhelming. You’ll learn how to populate your newsletter, website and social media based on your writing and interests. You’ll leave the webinar with an initial plan to begin or continue your reader relationships. Whether you’re starting your writing journey or have books already out there, this workshop will help you create a sustainable and fun relationship with current and potential readers. - Download an example of Sarah's Content Calendar mentioned in this workshop: HERE.