You are the Only You

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By Tamara D. Fickas

A new writer recently expressed concern that their words weren’t important. With so many great writers out there, how could their story make a difference?

I can relate to that. Even after all the years I’ve been working at this writing gig I still struggle with whether my story is valuable enough to share shelf space with the great books that are out there.

Neil Gaimon once said, “Start telling the stories that only you can tell, because there’ll always be better writers than you and there’ll always be smarter writers than you. There will always be people who are much better at doing this or doing that – but you are the only you.” He has a point.

A writer is compelled to write. A Christian writer is not only compelled, but also called to write for a purpose. Whether we know it or not, God has a way, He plans to use our writing. The struggle comes in us believing that even when we can’t see it.

He’s given us a story. A unique perspective that may not resonate with every reader, but chances are good it’s something that someone needs to hear. In God’s economy, even one person getting the message from your writing is a success.

For years, I’ve written on and off on a personal blog. My stats aren’t the best, and I don’t get many comments. When I hit a writer’s block I’m tempted to say, no one reads it, no one cares. What does it matter if I miss this post? And there are times I’ve given in and stopped writing for a while. If you visit my blog today, you’ll see it’s been months since I’ve posted. I got a promotion at the day job, life got busy, and I gave into that voice.

No harm, no foul, right?

Before you agree and think no one cares if you stop writing, I’d like to share something with you. One day I got an email from a friend. She thanked me for a blog post I’d written several years ago. She had just come upon the post and something in it was exactly what she needed to hear at that time. It spoke to her in a way nothing else had. That one post that had garnered no real interest when I originally posted made an impact on her life.

Do you have something to contribute? Yes, if you’re a Christian writer, God has a purpose in your writing. You may never know what it is, but you can be assured that He will use your story, your words for His good purpose. Now go out and write those stories only you can write.

Tamara FickasTamara Fickas – Christian, storyteller, writer, speaker, encourager. She lives near the beautiful Rocky Mountains with her beloved kitty boy, Wilson. When not writing she loves adventures, time with her dad, reading, and making people laugh. Life experiences, her vivid imagination, coffee, and Hot Tamales fuel her writing. Visit her website at

Comments 0

  1. Thank you, Tamara. I just got back from vacation (skiing in your beautiful Rockies!), and I’m once again facing the nagging monster that says, “You’ll never really write that second book!” So your words are sweet and encouraging to me.

  2. Tammy: “You may never know …”
    What a great point.
    You may never know God’s purpose for your writing.
    You may never know how a blog post — or a book — your write influences someone else, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t touched someone’s heart. Sometimes God blesses us with a glimpse of how He’s using us. No matter what, we need to stay true to what He’s called us to do.

    Great post!

  3. Linda, I’m so glad my words helped you. I can totally relate to the doldrums. Keep writing 🙂

    Beth, This post was born of my need to remind myself that even though I may never know, God knows!

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