Candee Fick


Candee Fick

The Genesis Contest was a catalyst for my writing career. By gleaning from the insightful comments of judges on four different manuscripts that either Finaled or Semi-Finaled over a span of six years, I was able to grow in my craft and see what resonated with readers. That encouragement kept me going while my contest-placements gave me both professional confidence and added credibility with editors and agents…until the year I won and that name recognition literally opened the door for my first contract.

Candee Fick


Candee Fick

The Genesis Contest was a catalyst for my writing career. By gleaning from the insightful comments of judges on four different manuscripts that either Finaled or Semi-Finaled over a span of six years, I was able to grow in my craft and see what resonated with readers. That encouragement kept me going while my contest-placements gave me both professional confidence and added credibility with editors and agents…until the year I won and that name recognition literally opened the door for my first contract.