Candee Fick


The Genesis Contest was a catalyst for my writing career. By gleaning from the insightful comments of judges on four different manuscripts that either Finaled or Semi-Finaled over a span of six years, I was able to grow in my craft and see what resonated with readers. That encouragement kept me going while my contest-placements gave me both professional confidence …

Lindsay Harrel


Being a finalist in the Genesis Contest not only gave me an extra boost of confidence when pitching to editors at ACFW, but I believe it also was one of the reasons I attracted the attention of my amazing agent. In addition, entering the contest in my early years of writing gave me feedback from industry professionals that I was …

Ronie Kendig


What am I getting from ACFW? I get amazing support, encouragement, direction, and guidance. There’s a plethora of amazing people who have the experience and willingness to answer questions. Through ACFW, I gained all my critique partners, made best friends, met/signed with my awesome agent, and have even garnered my first book contract.

Carol Ashby


I ALWAYS urge new writers to enter their work in Genesis. I also urge them to enter First Impressions with unfinished manuscripts. I was writing omniscient narrator POV when I first entered Genesis, and it was from comments by the judges that I learned today’s market wanted 3rd person limited. So I learned how to do that and rewrote the …

Sarah Salter


One of the reasons that I waited so long to begin my personal novel journey was because I believed that writing was something that I would have to do in isolation. I believed that I wouldn’t have any support or help. I was so wrong!! When God finally broke through my hard head and made it clear that I was …